Monday, March 30, 2015

Tobermory explained

Summary: Lady Bemly hosts a gathering. Mr. Cornelious is center of attention. Explains his car discovery/experiment/success. Found highly intelligent cat that can communicate and it enters the party. Cat speaks in front of everyone revealing secrets/embarrassing truths about each person. When the cat leaves, the people put blame on Cornelius. People want the cat destroyed. Toby's bossy found dead. Story ends with a description of a man found dead for teasing an elephant. Later revealed the man was Cornelius. 
-"if he was trying German irregular verbs, he deserved all he got"

Explanation: The story is platforms upon irony. When the cat revealed truths about the people at the party, they reverted to anger. When in reality, the cat was ony telling their true colors. They would rather live in if romance than face the light. And by Cornelius being killed by the elegant, the people at the party took that as proof that "they were right." When that is far from what should be interpreted. Cornelius took the experiment a step to far in trying it again with the elephant. Except this time the disastrous outcome wasn't people getting exposed and getting mad at him, it was death. And instead of realizing the true reality of their own flaws, the people still believe Cornelius was wrong. The story becomes ironic due to the universal flaw of ignorance amongst the characters.

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