Tuesday, August 19, 2014

My Opinion Isn't (A) Right!

The worst thing someone could ever say in an argument it is "well i have a right to my opinion". That is literally the worst way to end an argument. In the document we discussed in class, the author described this statement to be very ignorant. Saying this line is beyond pointless. It does not give any insight as to why you are right and the other person is wrong. It brings absolutely nothing new to the debate, and honestly, it just makes you look like your living in a cave of ignorance. Also, I personally do not understand how a person can have "A right to an opinion" if it is completely wrong. In that case its not an opinion, you're just wrong and coming off as an idiot defending a case that is based on false assumptions. 

Discussing the document in a seminar in class was extremely helpful in understand intentions for this course. It's insight into life arguments. In other words, you can't just argue whatever you want because you have a "right" to it; when you don't.  I mean, of course you can think whatever you want in your head, no one can stop that. But what i'm trying to say here is, is that there are some grey areas of fault in the statement. Countless examples from the document enforce this concept. Technically, to really have a "right" to something, others have to abide and follow that entitlement as well, which is not always the case to begin with. Sure, you could have a right to your opinion if you were a totally separated and isolated individual with no other dependence but for yourself. But this isn't the case. We live in a world that is so interconnected that this statement is useless, irrelevant, and does nothing but hold us back from getting to the root of an answer or issue. It does nothing more than restrain society from evolving and progressing.

"Right"- a moral or legal entitlement to have or obtain something or to act in a certain way.


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